The Position
Our Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries will be:
Collaborative: Design and direct programs in partnership with the youth council, the Youth & Young Adult Ministry Team, youth advisors, Sunday School teachers, Confirmation Mentors, young adults, and families.
Relational: Build caring and healthy Christian relationships by creating opportunities to share ownership and mentor youth and young adults as they assume leadership roles.
In communication: Ensure good communication between the Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team, Kirk Staff, our families, the congregation, and the community.
A visionary: Set the pace, paying attention to where the Holy Spirit is leading us.
A partner: Join with other Ministry Teams to partner in serving Christ together.
Missional: Find opportunities for our youth and young adults to put their faith into practice locally and beyond.
Responsive: Improve programs continuously by gathering feedback and actively listening to our constituents.
Supportive: Recruit, train, resource, and support adult volunteers. Ensure compliance with safety policies.
Organized: Lead planning and complete logistics for the annual budget, trips, and conferences.
An example: Accomplish the mission and vision of Youth and Young Adult Ministry by being a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.